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Topic: What is the love for egyptian men? (Read 2,762 times)
bluemoonNew Membermember is offline
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What is the love for egyptian men?« Thread Started on Aug 14, 2004, 2:47pm »
We know that all love story with egyptian men are bad, we are so stupid because always there is always some girl that it falls in their hand....I ask me : what is love for egyptian men?exist love for egyptian men?why egyptian men play with foreigner girls?I hope we will be in much girls to speak on this, to tell our experience, bad or beautifull.
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SphinxNew Membermember is offline
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Re: What is the love for egyptian men?« Reply #1 on Aug 24, 2004, 4:42am »
« Last Edit: Aug 30, 2004, 12:00pm by Sphinx »
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NanaNew Membermember is offline
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Re: What is the love for egyptian men?« Reply #2 on Aug 27, 2004, 3:35am »
Just to point out that not all Love with Egyptian Men is bad as you have put it !!I am an Egyptian Man and here is what love means for REAL EGYPTIAN MEN:respect their wife love their wife adore their wife admire their wife share happy moments with their wife do everything possible to help their wife have fun with their wife treat their wife like a goddess be honest with their wife help with the house work cook a great meal for their wife take their wife out for a fantastic romantic evening as often as possible treat their wife as a best friend accept their wife as she is and not something they want her to be try to make all her dreams come true make sure she never goes needing anything they can't provide for her honour her and cherish every moment together with their wife do things together as one understand their wife try to make things better for their wife understand that freedom is not granted to their wife by them and that it is not to be hindered feel an extra heartbeat when they put a smile on their wife's face make every day a wedding anniversary for their wife ...And That my friend is what "Love Is For Egyptian Men" Please Don't Say all love stories with Egyptian men are bad !!!Yeah, yeah ! This is what they tell us each time they wanna make a sweet talk.
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thomasNew Membermember is offline
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Re: What is the love for egyptian men?« Reply #3 on Aug 27, 2004, 9:31am »
oh please!!! and this is after you have slept with a european women right!!
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gameela000New Membermember is offline
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Re: What is the love for egyptian men?« Reply #4 on Aug 28, 2004, 9:26am »
ok hi everyone, my name is anna, half egyptian half english! and i am new here, found your site by just clicking links!!!Firstly, u girls, how can you be so stereotyping, u r only commenting on egyptian men, what about men from your countries, you cannot just stereotype like that, "egyptian men this egyptian men that" for crying out loud. i hate you type of women, just basing a bad man by nationality! and i think you need to know this, because obviously you dont!!! Right: there is good and bad in every country, i can say that english men are disgusting and they treat their women like nutse but then that would just be stereotyping wouldnt it!!!anyway, mayb am wastin my breathe here, i think u people r jus sad and lonely! mayb u get treated the way u do for being the way u r
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roseNew Membermember is offline
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Re: What is the love for egyptian men?« Reply #5 on Aug 28, 2004, 10:13am »
the site is egytian forum.......for women having probs with egyptian men..........nothing about other countries at all.........just our experience with eygptian men .not hard to see what its about..........derrrrrrrrrrr..............it is good to express bad experiences with a man or men no matter what country ..............and as far as ur statement about we women taken these men away from their families!!! wow very broad statement when the man is telling the lies................not only is he decieving his family and us but himself as well..............but thank u for ur words of wisdom...............
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WalkAngelNew Membermember is offline
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Re: What is the love for egyptian men?« Reply #6 on Sept 21, 2004, 3:03am »
TEXTHello !!I had an internet LOVER for over 2 yrs. He talked with me as much as he possibly could,on net and by telephone. This man,very much younger than I,was Egyptian and a gorgeous looking one,at that.Said just about everything and all you'd want a man to say,but, he was not only an Egyptian man, HE..was and still is,my one and only Egyptian PRINCE. HE,has and holds my heart,and i hold his,until he is finished working in Saudi Arabia,and i know,that deep within my HEARTand my SOUL,we will at last meet for the first time. You may want to tell me don't trust him. he is lieing,but, i somehow,know and feel, that he will come to me soon. I have faith in this man,...I am 46,..HE is 24.He knows alot more about women, and how they should be treated,then the 2 marriages that i have been through. I am from Canada.Sphinx? You are very wise. Other women may think i am really stupid...but, had they experienced,what i had with this man,they would not think so. Anyway,I put no one down,I love everyone ,for GOD loves me. You women are also right,in writing what you have experienced, lies,cheats,and smooth talkers,i've met some too,I know how you feel.Thank you for your time,if you have read this..........
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BabygirlNew Membermember is offline
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Re: What is the love for egyptian men?« Reply #7 on Sept 27, 2004, 11:07am »
Walkangel, I hope your guy is a good one, but the statistics hold otherwise. Most Egyptian men use women like toilet paper, and move on.In general, Muslims treat non-muslim women as prostitutes. They don't respect them as much.Egyptians are particularly skilled at fooling people. Some cross-cultural relationships with Egyptians turn out ok, but most do not. Best of luck to you,BG
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barefootNew Membermember is offline
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Re: What is the love for egyptian men?« Reply #8 on Oct 27, 2004, 9:35am »
Why is the reason we come here and post these messages??? It is because it seems that if you look the world over/and the men at other places, that the Egyptian men on the whole are worse than all the others! If you marry one (stupid enough to) even then they make your life miserable. It's always some story they give you about why they need money. I have a next door neighbor that married an Egyptian guy and he has done nothing but make her life miserable even though she is now back in the states! And I have other friends that have been chatting online with those gigalos and were lied to worse than you would be with American guys.. why we stupid women go chose those hell-bent men are beyond me!!! Are we so desperate or what??Yeah, they all use the same story lines.. as soon as you chat with them they love you, and then they counter attack this with.. trying daily to force you to come to them! Have you girls had any guys to tell you how easy it is for us to come to Egypt??? I mean, even though we may or may not be poor.. the airfare to Egypt is not cheap.. and for what???? To get our %^&*& burned?????
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sonicdudeNew Membermember is offline
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Re: What is the love for egyptian men?« Reply #9 on Nov 1, 2004, 5:59am »
respect their wife love their wife adore their wife admire their wife share happy moments with their wife.... ETCYes all this sounds fine and dandy, but as a man myself, I know when a con job is in place. The amount of good things that Mr Sphinx has listed is more reflective of a con job or sweet talk than anything really sincere. Don't kid yourself Mr. Sphinx... women can see right through it. A sincere respect for women manifests in a different manner and style than perfect wording. But it is hard for me to express this psychology.But women, you should give him some credit for at least saying such things. At least it's a first step. No?I am a Canadian Muslim male who lived and worked in Cairo for 5 years. In those years, I was rather shocked by the behavior of the men there. All I can sum up is: lack of maturity and self-control. Some of the things I experienced with Egyptian men: denial, blame, perversions, lying, cheating, anger, revenge, conspiracy, using religion to justify immature behavior, irresponsibility, mask painting, jealousy, and more.I never ONCE met an Egyptian man who could admit his mistakes and apologize for his errors. It was always blame whoever or whatever or come up with fancy justifications. In some cases, when pushed to the point of full exposure, anger and revenge would come into play. Even in the business sector I experienced these traits in one way or another. One time at one company I finally got so fed with poor decision of the manager that I finally had to confront him. And I did it in a gentle manner knowing full well the Egyptian male ego. Of course he couldn't admit his fault although everybody in the office knew he was at fault (see denial). I finally had to tell him that I decided to leave the company. Then he threatened to call the police on me saying I was an Israeli spy (see revenge, and conspiracy). I told him to go ahead and call whoever he wanted if he wanted because I didn't give a hoot. This angered him even more. Anyways, all because he could not accept criticism and someone point out his faults. Yet he was supposedly a "qualified business manager". All so childish.I was rather aghast at how many Egyptian men are so jealous towards their girlfriends or wives... preventing them from doing so much or wearing whatever... and using the Koran or religion to justify their behavior (which is a sin in my opinion). This was absolutely pathetic to witness. But it's not completely due to the actual man's fault in some cases. A lot of it has to do with cultural upbringing. For example, growing up in Canada, I am well used to my female friends having male friends. It is so normal. Friendships are friendships, there isn't always some hidden sexual nonsense going on. Don't forget that. So whenever I have dated a woman, I never felt jealous or the need to control her if she has guy friends. They are just her friends and a woman needs both her male and female friends in her life. That inner fear was never ingrained into me. And if I treated her properly, there is absolutely no fear in my mind or heart that she will cheat or be unfaithful. So why would I feel any need to prevent her from hanging out with her male friends?But I don't think Egyptian men have this learning experience when growing up. By suppressing the process of exposing and fixing of their own faults, it makes them feel insecure inside and thus jealous. By knowing the true nature of other Egyptian men, it adds more insecurity and thus even more jealousy. By having an inner mindset that is really built upon lust and perversion, it adds even more jealousy and desire to control the woman. Tell me state a truth that no man probably wants to admit. Wanting a wife who is a virgin has NOTHING to do with religion. It is about control, insecurity, and jealousy. And all women know this to be true.These Arab male mindsets also contribute to political problems. Always blaming such and such country for things is pretty immature and irresponsible. Instead, admitting ones own faults and correct them will actually produce results. Who cares if another country is doing wrong. That is their sin and problem. But it is a worse problem to sit only and dish out blame rather than take action to improve ones own situation through admission of error and correction. But then we get back to denial, blame, conspiracy, irresponsibility, revenge, etc. And laziness. Easier to just sit and blame. Very rare to admit error, correct mistakes, and take action. Even more rare to have compassion for other cultures and religions, but I won't even dare get into that.I wasn't surprised in the least how many Egyptian women wanted to date me when I was living in Cairo. I'm not trying to toot my own horn. But it's a sign that something is missing from the male culture in Egypt. Treating women with true respect, honor, and equality is very rare. Definitely there are some excellent relationships out there and some awesome guys. But I bet an element of control is always present.Well I admit I am generalizing a bit, but I think many of you get the jist of what I am saying. I find it very interesting that the meaning of Islam is Submission, yet submission is lacking so much in the Egyptian and Arab male personality. Submission in order to suppress the ego and admit ones mistakes and apologize for them without justification. Submission to having respect for women, animals, and the earth. Submission to control ones perversions and to suppress thoughts of anger and revenge. Etc.I am not sure if Egyptians knows this... but foreign female tourists can and might experience more sexually harassment in Egypt than they do in their own culture back home! Not everybody of course, but I have been told this a lot by foreign female tourists. Go figure... yet Egypt is supposed to be a "muslim" culture. The contradictions are strong. Funny thing is... everything I have said above applies to Egyptian men. I never experienced these qualities with Egyptian women. Never.I look forward to your comments and/or corrections.
« Last Edit: Nov 1, 2004, 6:17am by sonicdude »
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fisch3468New Membermember is offline
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Re: What is the love for egyptian men?« Reply #10 on Jan 5, 2005, 7:18am »
Hi @all,this is my first topic in this forum and I am happy to meet you all here.first of all: I am German, so please excuse my bad English. I'll try to do my best and any help and corrections will be appreciated.I found your site from a link on another forum about egyptian gigolos in Germany. It is called egyptlive.org. So if anybody of you speaks German you're welcome to join our board.I myself, I am married to an egyptian man and I try to fight against Gigolos as much as I can because I hate it to have do defense myself always against people who try to call my husband also a Gigolo. Yes, egyptian man can love! And they can love so deeply and much more romantic and with much more passion than I have experienced this from any European.But, it's true, it's hard to find out if this love is true or just faked to make money out of it. And, in fact, there are thousands and thousand of egyptian men, who use the love of a woman to get money, sex and/or a visa to Europe.Thats why so many forums across Europe were started, to give warnings to any woman who come for holiday to Egypt. You will find warning boards in Russia, Germany, France, UK and Italy with everytime the same sad stories. I don't know how it is in UK. In Germany the founders of two forums were allready so succesfull, that they were invited to some TV-Shows to talk about their story and their experiences. The German Embassy has much information about the whole problem and is trying to prevent more cases.Maybe we should try to connect all these forums accross Europe somehow to make this problem in Egypt more and more public. This is the only way to make the egyptian government see, that they can not hide this problem anymore. We all should fight together, that a small percentage of the egyptian people damage the image of a whole country.